Tuesday 24 April 2012

Fresh Start

I'll be honest, it's been a week since I last posted, and I have been a lazy bugger for that time.  Sleeping between 12 and 13 hours a day, lazing on the couch for the remainder.   No cardio, no gym and since my baby girls are visiting their grandparents, not even daddy duties.  Now I guess some might say that since I had Hernia Surgery last week I was technically behaving.  Piffle.
All that being said, there's not a whole lot of stuff to update people on since there hasn't been a whole lot of daily excitement in my daily ritual.  Honestly though, I am seriously suffering from a severe case of cabin fever.  I definitely have a new appreciation for the 4 months of bed rest my wife got to "enjoy" before she gave birth to our girls.  Although, really it must of been much easier for her because at least she had me around to annoy and pester her for a few hours in the evening when would I get home from work.  Really, I'm sure it helped to make her feel grateful for those day time hours when I wasn't around : ).  So obviously, on top of uncomfortable and inert, I've been kinda bored.  Not so bored that I've resorted to playing with my kids Fisher Price Farm, but lets just say that today it started looking way more entertaining then I'm comfortable with.
Good news though, all in all the surgery itself seems to have been successful, now hopefully it will hold for more than a couple years this time.  And better news, tomorrow is when I get off my lazy hump and get my butt back in gear.  I've only got a couple days of IV antibiotics left, and if I go off them having not done any sort of exercise for the previous 10 days, I'm definitely going to regret it.  My stomach feels, well, mostly mended, enough so that I feel pretty comfortable with starting to get my exercise back on track.  Slowly, of course, but steadily increasing.

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