Thursday 29 March 2012

Day 42 - All rain and no sun makes motivation hard

As a born and bred Vancouverite it's never really been in my nature to complain about the rain.  From early October until the end of April, it rains here ... a lot.  One of my best friends who moved here in his teens always complains during these months, personally I think he's just jealous because he wasn't genetically engineered with gills like the rest of us who were born here (that and sometimes he can be a bit of a delicate flower).  In truth, typically in the past when it rained, I just didn't go outside.  Rain isn't nearly as bothersome when your lying on a comfy couch playing Tetris.  But, since I'm trying to do the right things and also get ready for my 10k coming up in a few weeks I can't let a little drizzle stop me.  Unfortunately, that little drizzle has actually been a consistent down pour since Sunday night.  I gotta say there's not much out there that is less motivating then looking outside and realizing that after about 7 seconds outside you'll be soaked and if this rain keeps up, you're pretty sure that you'll be able to do the backstroke instead of a walk or run.  Now in the past all I would have had to motivate me is sheer force of will and lets be honest, that only works for so long.  So I've tried to look at this rationally, a stretch for me I know.  The truth is, there will always be reasons that can sap my motivation.  In the summer it'll be too hot, in the winter, too cold.  One of the other cf bloggers I've been talking with gave a great perspective.  He was talking about how he was tired one day, hadn't done his exercise and really wasn't feeling to jazzed about the thought of doing it.  He then thought about it and realized despite the fact he was tired, what was the worst thing that was going to happen by doing his exercise, he'd become what ... more tired.  So it's wet ...  so what I'll dry, it's cold ... I'll warm up and if it's summer and it's too hot, I can just pretend I'm Homer and make a fridge tent.

The truth is, short of legitimate illness or injury, there really aren't many excuses that we should let keep us from doing our exercise.  Especially when you consider the ramifications of taking the easy way out.

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